LUKE - Lesson 4

Personal Preparation
Baptism and Temptation
Luke 3:21 - 4:13

"The best way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it," said Oscar Wilde. He was the brilliant, flamboyant Irish writer of the second half of the nineteenth century. He died young, gifted and dissipated by his unbridled passions.
Jesus also died young and gifted, but disciplined by his passion for God. His discipline began in childhood where we have already observed an early consciousness of his life mission. Now, at thirty, he submits himself to more tests to prepare him further for this goal.

1. What would you like to have achieved ten years from now?

2. Read Luke 3:21-23. Jesus did not have to be baptized for the forgiveness of his sins (v. 3). But by this public act he identified with our human race in need of repentance and forgiveness. What do Luke’s details emphasize about Jesus’ baptism?

3. Consider Jesus’ age, occupation, family and marital status as he begins his ministry. He clearly made some crucial choices before he was thirty. What are the possible implications of these choices for him?

4. Luke’s genealogy of Jesus begins with his father, Joseph, and passing.Abraham, moves all the way back to “Adam, the son of God” (3:23-38). What does Luke want to bring out about Jesus?

5. Read Luke 4:1-13. Temptations are strong appeals to satisfy legitimate desires in wrong circumstances or by wrong means. What natural desire is the devil trying to get Jesus to satisfy in each appeal?

6. God created these desires. Why then would it become sin if Jesus were to satisfy each desire in his circumstances then?

7. What do you learn from Jesus about dealing with temptations?

8. Jesus’ temptations appear to have little resemblance to ours today. Yet we are told in Hebrews 4:15 that he “has been tempted in every way, just as we are.” How can you explain that?

9. Because Jesus did not give in to the devil, what are the results for us?

Check your response with Hebrews 2:14-18 and 4:14-16.

10. If we want to serve God wholeheartedly, we too must undergo tough training. In which area do you feel the greatest need for discipline?

What should be your first step in that direction?