LUKE - Lesson 6

Radical Authority
Luke 5:17-6:11

God is always full of surprises. Those who know Him delight in this. This, however, upsets people who feel secure only with neatly structured beliefs that are left untouched. One problem for them is that every now and then God chooses to do something new and fresh. Then tried and secure traditions fall apart!
This often happened when Jesus came on Israel’s religious scene with surprising teaching and authority.

1. Do you wish you had more or less authority in your life? Why?

2. Read Luke 5:17—6:11, alert to the clash of authorities. Imagine yourself a part of the religious establishment mentioned in 5:17. How would you have viewed Jesus’ growing popularity?

3. Compare the Pharisees’ questions in 5:21, 30, 33; 6:2, 7—criticisms which climax in 6:11. What pattern(s) do you observe?

4. The six incidents recorded here show the radical authority of Jesus. In each incident he does something which challenges an assumption—a tradition or a prejudice. In each portion of Scripture below note what each radical action was and what it challenged.
His Radical Actions
Assumption His Action Challenges

He claimed authority to forgive sins.
Jesus cannot be God; God cannot become a human being like us.

He called an outcast to follow him.

He socialized with community rejects.

He led a joyous lifestyle with his disciples.

He worked on the Sabbath to help people.

5. What skills in answering religious critics can you learn from Jesus?

6. Jesus was relentless in his battle with the religious legalists of his day. He clearly saw that in distorting God’s laws they also distorted God’s image. What religious legalisms can keep you from enjoying the Lord and his true Sabbath?

7. In the six episodes above, over which areas of life do you see Jesus exercising authority?

8. Over which area of your life do you sense an absence of Jesus’ authority?

9. What is the first thing you can do to remedy this?