LUKE - Lesson 7

Luke 6:12-49

Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi was India’s revered leader in the fight for national independence from British colonialism. As a child in India, a student in England and a lawyer in South Africa, he was exposed to Christianity—and racism. He admired the teachings of Jesus, especially the Sermon on the Mount. He admired the life of Jesus, and indeed was inspired to follow his example. But after years of observing Christians, he sadly concluded, “For me to believe in their Redeemer, their lives must show they are redeemed.” He never became a Christian.

A Christian’s lifestyle matters—not only his correct words. The total teaching and example of Jesus demand a lifestyle that is noticeably different from the average person’s.

1. Describe someone you know who has a truly Christlike lifestyle.

2. Read Luke 6:12-16. Jesus’ praying all night to God before choosing the twelve apostles is impressive (6:12). The context (before and after the present text), suggests reasons. What reasons can you find?

3. In verses 17-19 Luke has carefully given us the setting for the “Sermon on the Plain.” What kinds of people are in Jesus’ audience?

4. Jesus begins with kingdom attitudes that shape one’s lifestyle. What contrasts does he draw between his way of personal fulfillment and the world’s way (vv. 20-26)?

5. In what ways have you found Jesus’ road to happiness the right one?

Or an unsatisfactory one?

6. Read Luke 6:27-36. Loving one’s enemies is another aspect of a radical Christian lifestyle. In what ways does your enemy make it hard for you to love him/her?

7. Jesus knows that loving one’s enemies is impossible without strong motivation. How does he argue that his disciples can have that motivation (vv. 31-36)?

8. Read Luke 6:37-49. In verses 37 Jesus is probably being facetious, for he knows it is impossible not to judge others. Rather we are to judge with good sense. What guidelines does he give to judge in this way (vv. 37b-42)?

9. Jesus concludes by warning his listeners of the long-term results of their present choice of lifestyle (vv. 43-49). How do his logic and illustrations sharpen his argument?

10. What in this study gives you hope that you can mainta