LUKE - Lesson 11

Lesson 1
People of Hope
Luke 1:1-80

It has been my experience that superior people are attracted only by challenge. By setting our standards low and making our life soft we have, quite automatically and unconsciously, assured ourselves of mediocre people” (Ambassador MacWhite in The Ugly American, referring to his observations in the diplomatic corps).
Looking at Jesus’ diplomatic corps of twelve, we might wonder about his standards. The Gospels tell us little about their backgrounds, but they tell us much about how Jesus trained them. This is useful for us.

1. How do you react to the quote above?

2. Read Luke 9:1-9. For two years Jesus has been teaching, training and testing the Twelve. In what important ways has Jesus prepared them for this first short-term mission without him?

3. Which parts of Jesus’ commission and instructions do you think are especially relevant for world mission today? Why?

4. Read Luke 9:10-17. The apostles have just returned from an intense and successful evangelistic mission. Their reluctance to help the crowd is understandable. But Jesus is insistent. What progressive steps do you see him take to involve them in feeding the people?

5. Read Luke 9:18-43a. Peter’s “Great Confession” of Jesus’ true identity is followed by two hard teachings—the first prediction of his ignominious death (vv. 21-22) and the costs of commitment to him as Lord (vv. 23-27). But what does Jesus say are the long-term benefits of these short-time costs?

6. Luke links Jesus’ transfiguration to his final trip to Jerusalem, where death awaits (9:30-32; 9:51ff.). How then is the transfiguration important to Jesus himself and to the disciples?

7. On the plain with the mixed crowd we can sense Jesus’ deep feelings. How can he be at once both compassionate and impatient?

8. Share an experience when you felt both God’s compassion and impatience.

9. Read Luke 9:43b-50. The Twelve have learned much in the past two years. Yet here we see their continued lack of understanding of Jesus’ prediction and their immaturity in two other areas. Based on Jesus’ answers to the two latter problems, what do you think is the cause of each problem?

10. What is one blind spot, or area of spiritual immaturity, that you need to work on?