LUKE - Lesson 12

Short-term costs for Long-time Benefits
Luke 9:51-10:24

"I thought all my problems would be solved when I became a Christian. But they have increased.” Have you ever heard anyone say that? Perhaps no one made clear to them the high cost of following Jesus.
Cost? Pain? Sacrifice? These elements don’t fit into the Modern way of life of avoiding discomfort and inconvenience. Instant gratification is the order of the day. No goal could be further from Jesus’ way of life for his disciples while here on earth.

1. What has been costly for you in following Jesus?

2. Read Luke 9:51-62, which begins Jesus’ final, year-long journey to Jerusalem. What impressions of Jesus do the opening statements (vv. 51-53) leave with you?

3. In the Samaritan incident, what is apparently behind Jesus’ rebuke of his loyal disciples?

4. In verses 56-62 Jesus interviews three would-be disciples. Each encounter reveals the person’s inadequate understanding of what it means to follow Jesus. What issues are at stake for each of these people?

5. From Jesus’ response to each what do you learn about some specific costs of discipleship in his kingdom?

6. Read Luke 10:1-24, which sounds like the mission in chapter 9. But how is this mission of the seventy-two different from the mission of the Twelve in 9:1-6?

7. Jesus’ every instruction reveals a deep sense of urgency. How does a Christian develop an urgency for mission and evangelism?

8. Verses 17-24 record a post-mission report and evaluation. Of course celebration is in order! For Jesus the success of the seventy-two is a preview of the ultimate overthrow of Satan. But as one of them, how would you have felt on hearing Jesus’ words in verse 20?
What seems to be his aim in this caution?

9. Jesus is elated! What other reasons for elation does he express to his Father and then to his disciples (vv. 21-24)?

10. Jesus’ demands in discipleship and mission are indeed serious (9:57-62; 10:2-12). But he accompanies them with positive appeals—explicit and implicit (9:60b, 62b; 10:2, 16, 18-24). Which of his appeals inspires you to pursue discipleship on his terms?