LUKE - Lesson 15

Lesson 1
People of Hope
Luke 1:1-80

A Christian yuppie? Is it possible to be Jesus’ disciple on his terms and at the same time be a yuppie, for whom material values and the latest exotica are priorities? Some try to have it both ways and don’t make it—either way.
One such Christian yuppie described her experience. “For ten years I skill fully juggled both sets of values—Jesus’ and Madison Avenue’s. Then I collapsed.”
We are constantly tested in our value system, because we live between earth and heaven, time and eternity. Jesus gives us guidelines and solemn warnings on how to live productively in this creative tension.

1. Do Christians show lack of faith in God’s care when they take out insurance policies? Explain.

2. Read Luke 12:13-34. Nowhere does Jesus condemn possessions. But he has much to say about how to use them. From verses 15, 22-23 and 31, how could you summarize Jesus’ teaching about life and material goods?

3. Jesus’ parable then illustrates his position. In his description of the rich man, what characteristics stand out?

4. The obviously rich are not the only ones in danger of being fools. How do poor and middle-class people also face the same dangers?

5. We probably identify more with the people Jesus describes in verses 22-34 than with the rich man. What view of God do worrying Christians apparently have?
In what ways is Jesus’ picture of God a contrast to that view?

6. Read Luke 12:35-48. The parable illustrates certain priorities Christians should have in view of his return after his departure—or in any crisis situation. (That Jesus was referring to his Second Coming would not be obvious to his listeners, as it is to us.) What are these priorities which apply to all servant disciples?

7. Read Luke 12:49-59. All three parables above speak or hint of God’s judgment on the choices we make (vv. 20, 40, 46-48). The language and imagery of our present text also point to that judgment. In the midst of these warnings what hope does Jesus offer to the wise (vv. 57-59)?
8. Read Luke 13:1-9. Provoked by Jesus’ teaching on judgment some people raise a question about a well-known atrocity. In reply, how does Jesus both correct their wrong assumption and still extend hope?

9. Read Luke 13:10-21. This is the last time we see Jesus teaching in a synagogue. In what ways does this Sabbath conflict with the synagogue ruler summarize the priorities and values of Jesus’ total ministry?
What do the mini-parables contribute to this summary?

10. Recall this past week’s activities and personal concerns. To what extent do they reflect the priorities and values of God’s kingdom or Modern values?