LUKE - Lesson 26

God has the Last Word
Luke 24:1-53
March 7

How can you destroy Christianity? Explain away Jesus’ resurrection.
For instance, you could say the overemotional women at the tomb were deluded. Or argue that they went to the wrong tomb. You might insist that the resurrection was spiritual not physical, or that the disciples had hallucinations.
From that first Easter till now the enemies of the Church have tried to get rid of the historical facts (Mt 28:11-15). None has succeeded.

1. Which do you like to celebrate more—Christmas or Easter? Why?

2. Read Luke 24:1-12, sensing the change of emotions from verse to verse. The women are a personal link between the cross and the empty tomb. Suppose you are one of them. How do you feel when the men respond with “Nonsense!”? How do you feel as you watch Peter running to the tomb?

3. Read verses 13-35 for the longest resurrection encounter preserved for us. What kind of people do the two disciples appear to be?

4. What strikes you about the stranger’s dialog with them?

5. We can sympathize with the disciples’ struggle between despair and hope. In his rebuke Jesus identifies the cause of their despair—reluctance to believe the Scriptures about the Messiah (v. 25). Share an experience of how the Scriptures moved you from despair to new hope.

6. Read Luke 24:36-53 as a seeker inquiring about Jesus’ resurrection. Which facts and implications help you to believe his personal reality?
Which puzzle you?

7. For three or so years Jesus has been preparing his disciples to carry on his world mission. He climaxes this mission training by stressing systematic, in-depth Bible understanding (vv. 25-27, 32, 44-47). In what ways can you testify to this importance?

8. Verse 49 is expanded in Acts 1:4-5 and John 14:16. Why are both Bible study and the Holy Spirit necessary for effective evangelism?

9. We have been carefully studying the life and mission of Jesus. What would you say are your three greatest incentives to be his “witness of these things”?

10. What a message we have! The Lord Jesus has come to bring new hope and new joy to the world! How can you (and your church or fellowship group) take Jesus’ message of new hope and new joy to your community?