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The Gospels






Dead Sea Scrolls




2Peter Jude Hebrews



Introduction to MARK

The opening verse about good news in Mark (Mark 1:1) serves as a title for the entire book. The action begins with the appearance of John the Baptist, a messenger of God attested by scripture. But John points to a mightier one, Jesus, at whose baptism God speaks from heaven, declaring Jesus his Son. The Spirit descends upon Jesus, who eventually, it is promised, will baptize "with the holy Spirit." This presentation of who Jesus really is (Mark 1:1-13) is rounded out with a brief reference to the temptation of Jesus and how Satan's attack fails. Jesus as Son of God will be victorious, a point to be remembered as one reads of Jesus' death and the enigmatic ending to Mark's Gospel.

The key verses at Mar 1:14-15, which are programmatic, summarize what Jesus proclaims as gospel: fulfilment, the nearness of the kingdom, and therefore the need for repentance and for faith. After the call of the first four disciples, all fishermen (Mark 1:16-20), we see Jesus engaged in teaching (Mark 1:21,22,27), preaching (Mark 1:38,39), and healing (Mark 1:29-31,34,40-45), and exorcising demons (1, 22-27.34.39). The content of Jesus' teaching is only rarely stated, and then chiefly in parables (Mark 4) about the kingdom. His cures, especially on the sabbath (Mark 3:1-5); his claim, like God, to forgive sins (Mark 2:3-12); his table fellowship with tax collectors and sinners (Mark 2:14-17); and the statement that his followers need not now fast but should rejoice while Jesus is present (Mark 2:18-22), all stir up opposition that will lead to Jesus' death (Mark 3:6).

In Mark, Jesus is portrayed as immensely popular with the people in Galilee during his ministry (Mark 2:2; 3:7; 4:1). He appoints twelve disciples to help preach and drive out demons, just as he does (Mark 3:13-19). He continues to work many miracles; the blocks Mark 4:35-6:44 and Mark 6:45-7:10 are cycles of stories about healings, miracles at the Sea of Galilee, and marvelous feedings of the crowds. Jesus' teaching in Mark 7 exalts the word of God over "the tradition of the elders" and sees defilement as a matter of the heart, not of unclean foods. Yet opposition mounts. Scribes charge that Jesus is possessed by Beelzebul (Mark 3:22). His relatives think him "out of his mind" (Mark3:21). Jesus' kinship is with those who do the will of God, in a new eschatological family, not even with mother, brothers, or sisters by blood ties (Mark 3:31-35; Mark 6:1-6). But all too often his own disciples do not understand Jesus (Mark 4:13,40; 6:52; 8:17-21). The fate of John the Baptist (Mark 6:17-29) hints ominously at Jesus' own passion (Mark 9:13;  Mark 8:31).

A breakthrough seemingly comes with, Peter's confession that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah; Mark 8:27-30). But Jesus himself emphasizes his passion (Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34), not glory in the kingdom (Mark 10:35-45). Momentarily he is glimpsed in his true identity when he is transfigured before three of the disciples (Mark 9:2-8), but by and large Jesus is depicted in Mark as moving obediently along the way to his cross in Jerusalem. Occasionally there are miracles (Mark 9:17-27; 10:46-52; 11:12-14,20-21, the only such account in Jerusalem), sometimes teachings (Mark 10:2-11,23-31), but the greatest concern is with discipleship (Mark 8:34-9:1; 9:33-50). For the disciples do not grasp the mystery being revealed (Mark 9:32; 10:32,38). One of them will betray him, Judas (Mark 14:10-11,43-45); one will deny him, Peter (Mark 14:27,31,54,66-72); all eleven men will desert Jesus (Mark 14:27,50).

The passion account, with its condemnation of Jesus by the Sanhedrin (Mark 14:53,55-65; 15:1a) and sentencing by Pilate (Mark 15:1b-15), is prefaced with the entry into Jerusalem (Mark 11:1-11), ministry and controversies there (Mark 11:15-12:44), Jesus' Last Supper with the disciples (Mar 14:1-26), and his arrest at Gethsemane (Mark 14:32-52). A chapter of apocalyptic tone about the destruction of the temple (Mark 13:1-2,14-23) and the coming of the Son of Man (Mark 13:24-27), a discourse filled with promises (Mark 13:11,31) and admonitions to be watchful (Mark13:2,23,37), is significant for Mark's Gospel, for it helps one see that God, in Jesus, will be victorious after the cross and at the end of history.

The Gospel of Mark ends in the most ancient manuscripts with an abrupt scene at Jesus' tomb, which the women find empty (Mark 16:1-8). His own prophecy of Mark 14:28 is reiterated, that Jesus goes before the disciples into Galilee; "there you will see him." These words may imply resurrection appearances there, or Jesus' parousia there, or the start of Christian mission, or a return to the roots depicted in Mark 1:9,14-15 in Galilee. Other hands have attached additional endings after Mar 16:8; see the note on Mark 16:9-20.

The framework of Mark's Gospel is partly geographical: Galilee (Mark 1L14-9:49), through the area "across the Jordan" (Mark 10:1) and through Jericho (Mark 10:46-52), to Jerusalem (Mark 11:1-16:8). Only rarely does Jesus go into Gentile territory (Mark 5:1-20; 7:24-37), but those who acknowledge him there and the centurion who confesses Jesus at the cross (Mark 15:39) presage the gospel's expansion into the world beyond Palestine.

Mark's Gospel is even more oriented to christology. Jesus is the Son of God (Mar 1:11; 9:7; 15:39; cf Mar 1:1; 14:61). He is the Messiah, the anointed king of Davidic descent (Mark 12:35; 15:32), the Greek for which, Christos, has, by the time Mark wrote, become in effect a proper name (MAr 1:1; 9:41). Jesus is also seen as Son of Man, a term used in Mark not simply as a substitute for "I" or for humanity in general (cf Mark 2:10,27-28; 14:21) or with reference to a mighty figure who is to come (Mark 13:26; 14:62), but also in connection with Jesus' predestined, necessary path of suffering and vindication (Mark 8:31; 10:45).

The unfolding of Mark's story about Jesus is sometimes viewed by interpreters as centered around the term "mystery." The word is employed just once, at Mark 4:11, in the singular, and its content there is the kingdom, the open secret that God's reign is now breaking into human life with its reversal of human values. There is a related sense in which Jesus' real identity remained a secret during his lifetime, according to Mark, although demons and demoniacs knew it (Mark 1:24; 3:11; 5:7); Jesus warned against telling of his mighty deeds and revealing his identity (Mark 1:44; 3:12; 5:43; 7:36; 8:26,30), an injunction sometimes broken (Mark 1:45; cf Mar 5:19-20). Further, Jesus teaches by parables, according to Mark, in such a way that those "outside" the kingdom do not understand, but only those to whom the mystery has been granted by God.

Mark thus shares with Paul, as well as with other parts of the New Testament, an emphasis on election (Mark 13:20,22) and upon the gospel as Christ and his cross ( 1Co 1:23). Yet in Mark the person of Jesus is also depicted with an unaffected naturalness. He reacts to events with authentic human emotion: pity (Mark 1:44), anger (Mark 3:5), triumph (Mark 4:40), sympathy (Mark 5:36; 6:34), surprise (Mar 6:9), admiration (Mark 7:29; 10:21), sadness (Mark 14:33-34), and indignation (Mark 14:48-49).

Although the book is anonymous, apart from the ancient heading "According to Mark" in manuscripts, it has traditionally been assigned to John Mark, in whose mother's house (at Jerusalem) Christians assembled (Act 12:12). This Mark was a cousin of Barnabas (Col 4:10) and accompanied Barnabas and Paul on a missionary journey (Act 12:25; 13:3; 15:36- 39). He appears in Pauline letters (2Ti 4:11; Phl 1:24) and with Peter (1Pe 5:13). Papias (ca. A.D. 135) described Mark as Peter's "interpreter," a view found in other patristic writers. Petrine influence should not, however, be exaggerated. The evangelist has put together various oral and possibly written sources--miracle stories, parables, sayings, stories of controversies, and the passion--so as to speak of the crucified Messiah for Mark's own day.

Traditionally, the gospel is said to have been written shortly before A.D. 70 in Rome, at a time of impending persecution and when destruction loomed over Jerusalem. Its audience seems to have been Gentile, unfamiliar with Jewish customs (hence Mark 7:3-4,11). The book aimed to equip such Christians to stand faithful in the face of persecution (Mark 13:9-13), while going on with the proclamation of the gospel begun in Galilee (Mark13:10; 14:9). Modern research often proposes as the author an unknown Hellenistic Jewish Christian, possibly in Syria, and perhaps shortly after the year 70.

The principal divisions of the Gospel according to Mark are the following:
I. The Preparation for the Public Ministry of Jesus (Mar 1:1-13)
II. The Mystery of Jesus (Mar 1:14-8:26)
III. The Mystery Begins to Be Revealed (Mar 8:27-9:32)
IV. The Full Revelation of the Mystery (Mar 9:33-16:8)
The Longer Ending (Mar 16:9-20)
The Shorter Ending
The Freer Logion (in the note on Mar 16:9-20)

From: the New American Bible


2. The Jews of Jesus’ day, long oppressed by foreign rulers, yearned for a new king—one whom God himself would anoint and use to establish his own rule of justice and peace, not only over Israel, but over all the earth. Imagine the excitement then as John the Baptist came announcing the coming of the Lord as king and as Jesus himself announced, "The time has come. The kingdom of God is near." Yet as Jesus continued his ministry he met a growing wave of opposition. Not everyone was pleased with the kind of kingdom he seemed to be announcing or with who he proclaimed himself to be. The religious rulers especially opposed him, but the common people heard him gladly.
New Testament scholars, with few exceptions, agree that Mark’s Gospel is the earliest written account of Jesus’ life and ministry. Composed between a.d. 60 and 70, it likely served as the basis for the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Mark himself, though not one of the Twelve, was probably an early convert (Acts 12:12) and a companion to both Peter (1 Pet 5:13) and Paul. Though Mark had an early falling out with Paul (Acts 15:36–41), the two were clearly reconciled later on (Col 4:10; 2 Tim 4:11; Philem 24). Thus Mark is linked to two of the most prominent apostles.
More and more, scholars are coming to believe that Mark was not just a collector of stories about Jesus but that he gave form and shape to these stories to counteract some dangerous distortions of the gospel message.1 Apparently some Christians so focused on Jesus’ deity and glorious resurrection that they began to ignore his humanity and suffering. As a result they expected to be spared suffering in this life and to quickly join Jesus in the glories of heaven. You can well imagine how their faith may have been shaken when Nero took to using some of them as torches!
Mark, theologically and pastorally, sets out to retell the story of Jesus, showing that the kingdom in its glory comes at the end of the path of suffering and service. While Matthew focuses on Jesus as the teacher from whom we should learn (Mt 11:29; 28:20) and John focuses on him as the Son of God in whom we should believe (Jn 20:31), Mark portrays Jesus principally as the servant-king whom we should follow (Mk 1:17). Thus, if we are to enjoy the glories of the kingdom, we too must follow the road of suffering and service.
This Bible Study offers you the opportunity to learn through the eyes of Mark more about Jesus and the life he calls each of us to. The Lessons have been divided into two parts, ten in the first and twelve in the second, so that the whole Gospel can easily be studied  The last study in each part is a review to help summarize and tie together major themes from that portion of the Gospel.

May the Lord himself increase your understanding of who he is and the life to which he has called you.

©2005 Claudette Holden

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