Lesson 1

MATTHEW 1:1–16:20

The French painter Georges Seurat painted with dots of color rather than brush strokes. Up close the dots are meaningless, but from a distance they blend to form a beautiful painting.

Many times we look at only small portions of Scripture, chapters and verses, and see only dots. It is important to step back and see how the chapters and verses fit together to paint a picture.
An overview of Matthew also draws together seemingly isolated events and teachings into a meaningful whole. This study, which looks at chapters 1–16, will help you understand Matthew’s purpose and style. As you are drawn deeper into the main plot, you will gain a greater appreciation for the gospel story.

1. As you look down at the landscape from an airplane, what features can you see that are not visible from the ground?
2. Matthew’s theme statement is found in the last three verses of the last chapter (28:18-20). What is that theme?
3. Matthew wants us to see Jesus as a heavenly King. What attributes of a king do you see portrayed in these three verses?
How do you think this concern may have affected the way Matthew wrote his Gospel?
4. Quickly skim chapters 1-4. Matthew has recorded the things Jesus taught and commanded his disciples to teach others. What did Matthew feel a disciple should know about the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry?
5. In chapters 5-7 we have a summary of the King’s laws. As you skim these laws, what responses do you have? What does Jesus expect of his disciples?
6. In chapters 8-9 the miracles of Jesus occupy a dominant part. In what ways are faith and authority a part of this section?
7. In the midst of widening conflict and controversy, Jesus reveals his true identity to the disciples (10:1–16:20). How does he do this in 14:1–16:20?
8. In 16:16 Peter’s confession that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the living God,” is the fruit of time and experience with Jesus. How did God bring you to the knowledge of Jesus as the Christ?
9. What do you hope to gain from studying Matthew?

Lesson 2


Have you ever waited with anticipation for something only to find that when it came it was not what you wanted at all?
The long-awaited birth of the Messiah is recorded in Matthew 1–2. The nation of Israel waited for centuries for God’s anointed King to be born. What a wonderful day that was to be. Jesus’ birth, however, was not greeted with royal gladness by the nation and its leaders. Instead, there was intrigue and conflict. The political and religious establishment felt threatened by the coming of the Messiah. It was left to foreign leaders to welcome the newborn King.

1. Think of something you once strongly desired (a car, TV, stereo, a special relationship, or whatever). When you got it, did it fulfill your expectations? Explain why or why not.
2. Skim the genealogical record in 1:1-17. Considering Matthew’s purpose to portray Jesus as a heavenly King, why would Matthew include a lineage at the very beginning of his book?
3. Read 1:18-25. Matthew highlights Jesus’ birth in these verses. What do they tell us about his origin and destiny?
4. Read Matthew 2. In this chapter Matthew portrays Jesus’ initial reception by the world. How does Jesus the heavenly King contrast with Herod the earthly king?
5. There are many traditions and myths in church history about the Magi which may or may not be true. But strictly from the information in this passage, what can we discover about them? Describe the details of their search for Jesus.
6. How has knowing Jesus involved you in a search or journey?
7. How are the Magi different from the religious leaders in this passage?
8. Jesus was born during the time of King Herod (v. 1). From your reading of this chapter, what was Herod like?
9. On hearing of Jesus’ birth from the searching Magi, Herod also begins a search for the newborn Christ. How does his search compare with that of the Magi?
10. The responses of the Magi and Herod are typical of the ways people respond to Jesus today. What factors might cause people to respond to Jesus in such radically different ways?
11. God is the unseen actor throughout the chapter. In what ways can we see his “behind the scenes” actions (vv. 6, 15, 18 and 23)?
12. The Magi not only found Jesus, they worshiped him and witnessed to the entire city of Jerusalem concerning his birth (vv. 2-3). In what ways has your search for the Lord resulted in worshiping him and telling others about him?
13. Spend time worshiping the King of kings. Then ask God to help you tell others about him.

Lesson 3

MATTHEW 3:1-17

announcing.jpg (19770 bytes)An ancient times the coming of a king required special preparation. A herald was sent ahead to prepare the road on which the king would be traveling. Holes were filled, rough places made smooth and crooked sections straightened.
The same thing happened in recent times when Queen Elizabeth II visited the Bahamas. In preparation for her coming, the roads she would be traveling on around the island were completely resurfaced.
In Matthew 3 John the Baptist is sent to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. But his arrival required a very different kind of preparation.

1. Why do you think we go to such lengths preparing for visiting guests, dignitaries and heads of state?
2. Read Matthew 3. What are your initial impressions of John?
3. For Israel the desert was a place of both punishment and renewal (recall the wilderness wanderings). How does John’s ministry convey both concepts (vv. 1-12)?
4. The religious leaders considered themselves children of Abraham (v. 9). According to verses 7-10, how were they abusing this privilege?
5. What are some ways that Christians today abuse their rights as children of God?
6. John calls us to produce “fruit in keeping with repentance” (v. 8). Give examples of the kind of fruit you think he has in mind.
7. Both John and Jesus have ministries of baptism (vv. 11-12). How are their baptisms similar and different?
8. Why do you think John was hesitant to baptize Jesus (vv. 13-14)?
9. What does Jesus’ willingness to be baptized suggest about him (v. 15)?In what ways was Jesus’ baptism different from others?
10. What significance do you see in the dove and the voice from heaven at Jesus’ baptism (vv. 16-17)?
11. The coming of Christ either demands repentance or brings judgment. In what ways do you need to better prepare for his return?
12. Think of people around you who have rough places or valleys in their lives. How can you help them smooth out the rough places or fill in the valleys in preparation for Jesus’ coming?

Lesson 4

MATTHEW 4:1-25

“Is it time yet?” “How much longer?” Those are the questions children ask repeatedly as Christmas approaches. It’s hard on them (and their parents) to wait. But when Christmas day comes, it’s full of fun and surprises. After weeks of waiting, we all get to open our new gifts.
The beginning of Jesus’ ministry was like the coming of Christmas. After a long wait, the wrappings came off and the world got to see God’s greatest gift.

1. All of us have experienced something new—starting a new job, going to a new school, moving to a new community. What did it feel like?
2. Read Matthew 4. Look over the entire chapter to discover the locations mentioned. What do they tell us about Jesus’ ministry?
3. The prerequisite for Jesus’ ministry was his ability to resist temptation. What can we discover about Jesus from his encounter with Satan (vv. 1-11)?
4. Look specifically at each temptation (vv. 3-4, 5-7, 8-10). What was Satan trying to accomplish by each of them?
5. What can we learn about temptation and how to resist it from Jesus’ example?
6. Verses 12-17 describe the transition from testing to ministry. What do they tell us about Jesus’ coming ministry?
7. How does Jesus demonstrate his message, “The kingdom of heaven is near,” in verses 18-25?
8. One of Jesus’ first functions as heavenly King is calling disciples. From verses 18-22 develop a brief definition of discipleship.
9. Discipleship for the first disciples meant leaving job and family and fol lowing Jesus wherever he went. How has discipleship affected your life?
10. In verses 23-25 Matthew gives us a summary statement of Jesus’ initial public ministry. Describe the people who came looking for Jesus.
11. Imagine the excitement of the first disciples as they watched Jesus healing and teaching among the crowds. Put yourself in their place and describe how you would feel.
12. How does this chapter motivate you to follow Jesus and to be a “fisher of men”?

Lesson 5

MATTHEW 5:1–6:18

C. S. Lewis was once criticized for not caring for the Sermon on the Mount. He replied, “As to ‘caring for’ the Sermon on the Mount, if ‘caring for’ here means ‘liking’ or enjoying, I suppose no one ‘cares for’ it. Who can like being knocked flat on his face by a sledge hammer? I can hardly imagine a more deadly spiritual condition than that of a man who can read that passage with tranquil pleasure.”*
Lewis was right. Studying the Sermon on the Mount can be a devastating experience. It exposes the depth of our sin and the shallowness of our commitment. But the pain it inflicts is meant to heal not destroy us. In fact, the Sermon on the Mount could be called the Christian’s job description. It is the most complete summary we have of Jesus’ ethical expectations for his followers. Throughout church history it has been a helpful guide and a convicting challenge.

1. Have you ever had a job or a task in which you did not know what was expected of you? How would a job description have helped?
2. Read Matthew 5. The beatitudes describe the qualities Jesus desires in each of his disciples (vv. 3-12). Give a brief definition of each quality.
3. What is attractive about the blessings Jesus promises those who have these qualities (vv. 3-12)?
4. Jesus compares his followers to salt and light (vv. 13-16). What do these metaphors suggest about our role in society?
5. In the rest of chapter 5 Jesus discusses various misconceptions we might have about the Law (Old Testament Scriptures). Why do you think that Jesus stresses that he did not come to abolish the Law (vv. 17-20)?
6. How does Jesus’ teaching on murder and adultery (vv. 21-30) differ from the traditional understanding?
7. In verses 31-37 Jesus provides instructions on divorce and oaths (legal relationships). How does his teaching confront tradition?
8. How does Jesus want us to respond to evil people and our enemies (vv. 38-47)?
9. Verse 48 summarizes the essence of what Jesus has been saying. How does this verse challenge spiritual complacency?
10. Read Matthew 6:1-18. What do we learn about proper and improper motives from Jesus’ examples about giving, praying and fasting?
11. Why are our motives just as important as our religious acts?
12. What is your impression of Jesus after studying the first half of his sermon?

Lesson 6

MATTHEW 6:19–7:29

On Feb 14, 2004, The Holy Father announced  "I have to mention that to those members of the holy orders killed in the past few days, we must add the name of Sister Valeus Mukanoheli ... tragically killed in Rwanda last Friday," he said. "While we pray for the soul of our sister, we continue to faithfully implore the Lord for peace in Africa and in the whole world."

Three nuns of Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity were killed in Yemen last Monday, a Jesuit missionary was murdered in the Congo the same day, and a Franciscan nun was killed in South

 “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” These words echo this portion of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus asks us to choose between two treasures, two masters, two roads and two destinies. But he clearly explains why following him is the only wise choice.

1. What are earthly treasures often more tempting than heavenly ones?
2. Read Matthew 6:19-34. In verses 19-24 Jesus talks about treasures, eyes and masters. What common themes tie these verses together?
3. Worry is a dominant theme in verses 25-34. How can we escape worrying about such things as food and clothes?
4. What does it mean to seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness (v. 33)? How might this affect our lives in practical ways?
5. Read Matthew 7:1-29. What is the difference between judging others and being properly discerning (vv. 1-6)?
6. In what ways have you seen relationships hurt by Christians judging each other?
7. How should our knowledge of the Father affect our prayers (vv. 7-11)?
8. In the final section of the Sermon (vv. 13-27) Jesus talks about narrow and wide gates, good and bad trees, and wise and foolish builders. How do these three metaphors work together to make a common point?
What reasons are we given for obeying Jesus’ teaching?
9. We are cautioned about false prophets and false followers in verses 15-23. What distinguishes genuine prophets and followers from false ones?
10. Putting Jesus’ words in practice is the way to build a lasting foundation against the day of judgment (vv. 24-27). What will the practice of Jesus’ Sermon require of you?


Lesson 7

MATTHEW 8:1–9:34

Someone once commented about an exceptional Boss that they had:  “I don’t know where he is going, but I sure like the way he leads.”
Leaders must demonstrate authority. But wise leaders know they must not abuse their authority. They know people follow leaders who also demonstrate integrity and compassion.
In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus impressed the crowd with his authoritative teaching. In chapters 8 and 9 he demonstrates that he is a worthy King, one in whom we can safely put our trust.

1. Think of someone in your life whom you respect. Why do you respect that person?
2. Read Matthew 8:1-22. In chapters 8–9 Jesus’ miracles occur in three groups, followed by a response or reaction. Briefly describe how Jesus dem onstrates his authority in verses 1-22.
3. Lepers were outcasts in Jewish society and were required to shout “Unclean, unclean!” wherever they went. What impresses you about Jesus’ en counter with the man in verses 1-4?
4. Look at the centurion’s response to Jesus (vv. 5-13). Why is Jesus pleased?
5. In verses 18-22 Jesus begins to attract would-be followers. What do these verses teach us about the cost and urgency of following him?
6. Read Matthew 8:23–9:17. What do we learn about the extent of Jesus’ authority in this section?
7. The disciples’ fear of the furious storm seems natural (8:23-27). Why do you think Jesus views it as a lack of faith?
8. After what had happened to the demon-possessed men, why do you think the townspeople pleaded with Jesus to leave their region (vv. 28-34)?

Lesson 8

MATTHEW 9:35–11:30

I once heard a story of  a wealthy philanthropist in New York City, during the late 1800s, who decided to give away all his money. He announced he would give five hundred dollars to anyone with a legitimate need. The response was overwhelming! People lined up day after day to receive their gift.
The gospel is a priceless treasure. But as we offer it to people their response is not always enthusiastic. In this passage Jesus warns us about those who oppose his message and his messengers. But he also encourages us as we reach out to blind and needy people.

1. Have you ever known someone who seemed to like you only for what you could give them? What did it feel like?
2. Read Matthew 9:35–11:1. How and why does Jesus demonstrate compassion for the crowds (9:35-38)? In what ways are people today similar to those Jesus describes?
3. As a result of his compassion for the crowds, Jesus sends out the twelve (vv. 1-15). Describe their mission.
4. Jesus warns the disciples that their compassionate ministry will not be warmly received (vv. 16-25). What will they experience?
5. In verses 26-33 Jesus prepares his present and future disciples for opposition. Why shouldn’t we be afraid of those who oppose us?
6. How might following Christ strain our family relationships and loyalties?
7. What does Jesus promise to those who are receptive to our message (vv. 40-42)?
8. Read Matthew 11:2-30. What is the point of John’s question and Jesus’ reply (vv. 2-6)?
9. What do verses 7-19 tell us about John and those who heard his message?
10. In verses 20-30 Jesus denounces some and offers a warm invitation to others. What causes his denunciations? What is the nature of Jesus’ invitation?
11. In what ways have you found rest in your life by coming to Jesus?
12. What have you learned about Jesus and the nature of discipleship from this study?

Lesson 9

MATTHEW 12:1-50

Power over people is not easily shared. Wars have been fought, people assassinated and elections rigged in order to gain or maintain power.
The leaders of Israel were becoming concerned over the growing reputation and following of Jesus. Like ripples in a pool of water, the ministry of Jesus and his disciples continued to have a widening impact on the Jewish nation. If Jesus’ followers became too numerous, the leaders would end up losing their positions of authority. In Matthew 12 they formulate a strategy to discredit him.

1. How would you feel if untrue rumors were being spread around about you?
2. Read Matthew 12. How would your describe the mood or atmosphere of this chapter?
3. Consider the ways that religious leaders attacked Jesus in verses 1-14. What was their strategy?
4. Jesus answers the Pharisees’ first accusation by making three references to Scripture (vv. 3-8). How do these passages prove the innocence of his disciples?
5. As you compare the Pharisees’ second accusation against Jesus (v. 10) with their own response (v. 14), what irony do you see?
6. Throughout verses 1-14 how does Jesus’ attitude toward people and Scripture differ from that of the Pharisees? How can Jesus’ example guide our own interpretation and use of Scripture?
7. Notice the startling contrast between the religious leaders’ attitude toward Jesus and God’s attitude (vv. 15-21). How do they differ?
8. In order to discredit the idea that Jesus is the Messiah, the Pharisees charge that his power over demons comes from the prince of demons (v. 24). How does Jesus refute this claim (vv. 25-37).
9. Why will the men of Nineveh and the Queen of the South condemn “this generation” (vv. 38-42)?
10. In verses 43-45 Jesus tells the Pharisees and teachers of the law a story. What does it reveal about them?
11. Look back over chapter 12. What factors led to the hardness and unbelief of the Pharisees and teachers of the law? How can we avoid being like them?

Lesson 10

MATTHEW 13:1-58

Crowds are fickle. One moment they follow with enthusiasm, the next they turn hostile and angry.
In Matthew 13 Jesus speaks to a mixed and fickle crowd. Some are hungry to hear his message. Others are suspicious and hostile. In this setting Jesus begins to speak in parables. These stories test our spiritual sight and hearing. They also expose the condition of our hearts.

1. Some people are hooked on mystery novels. How do mysteries keep people reading?
2. Read Matthew 13. What initial impressions do you have of the kingdom of heaven?
3. According to the parable of the sower, what responses does Jesus expect as he preaches his message of the kingdom (vv. 1-9, 18-23)?
4. In verse 10 the disciples ask Jesus why he speaks to the people in parables. Explain his reply (vv. 11-17).
5. Wheat and weeds look similar until the harvest. How does this parable explain God’s delayed judgment of the wicked (vv. 24-30, 36-43)?
6. What do the parables of the mustard seed and yeast suggest about the way the kingdom grows (vv. 31-35)?
7. Reflect on the parables we have looked at so far. What practical implications do they have for our evangelism?
8. What do the parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl teach us about the value of the kingdom (vv. 44-46)?
9. This chapter concludes with a visit to Jesus’ home town. How do the people there compare with those described in verses 13-15?
10. Jesus wants his disciples to understand the parables. How have they enlarged your understanding of the kingdom of heaven?
11. Jesus also wants us to respond to what we have heard and understood. Throughout this chapter, what types of responses does he desire?
12. Ask the Lord to help you respond to him in these ways.

Lesson 11

MATTHEW 14:1-36

Crises are uncomfortable. They force us to make painful decisions, even when we don’t want to decide. In Matthew 14 Jesus places the disciples in tough situations where they must act on what they have learned about him. The focus shifts from parables about the kingdom to the identity of the King.

1. Teachers use tests during our school years. But tests are not limited to school; God also uses tests throughout our lives. In what ways do tests help us learn?
2. Read Matthew 14. In verses 1-2 Herod speculates about Jesus’ identity. What led him to believe that Jesus is John the Baptist (vv. 3-12)?
3. Describe the circumstances, the setting and the people present during the feeding of the five thousand (vv. 13-21).
How is this a test for the disciples?
4. Herod and Jesus, the two kings in this passage, both serve banquets. What does each king’s banquet reveal about his character and authority?
5. Imagine you are with the anxious disciples in the boat (vv. 22-26). Describe what you would see, hear and feel.
6. How is Peter’s trying experience on the water a vivid picture of faith and doubt (vv. 28-31)?
7. When are you most tempted to take your eyes off the Lord and to sink in doubt?
8. In verse 33 the disciples worship Jesus and declare, “Truly you are the Son of God.” What do you see in this incident that leads you to worship Jesus?
How can these things help you to trust Jesus the next time you are tempted to doubt?
9. Through these puzzling experiences with Jesus the disciples come to confess that he is the Son of God. What experiences have helped you understand more about the Lord?
10. How does the recognition of the crowds in verses 34-36 compare with the recognition of the disciples in verse 33?
11. Spend a few minutes worshiping Jesus, the Son of God.

Lesson 12

MATTHEW 15:1–16:20

Eureka! A word to describe a sudden insight. What a relief and pleasure when something we have not quite understood becomes clear to us.
In this section of Matthew the disciples come to a supernatural understanding of Jesus. What they thought they knew becomes a new and deeper knowledge. Peter, speaking for the disciples, declares who Jesus really is.
Peter’s words bring us to the climax of the first half of Matthew.

1. The climax of a story is packed with emotion. What feelings have you experienced when reaching the climax of an exciting story?
2. Read Matthew 15. Top religious leaders from Jerusalem oppose Jesus by attacking the disciples (vv. 1-2). What is their complaint, and what does it suggest about Jesus?
3. How does Jesus respond to their accusation (vv. 3-20)?
4. Are there religious practices in your life which are in danger of becoming outward, empty forms? Explain. How can you avoid this tendency?
5. How would you account for the unusual interaction between Jesus, the woman and the disciples (vv. 21-28)?
6. Observe the similarities and differences between the feeding of the four thousand (vv. 29-39) and the feeding of the five thousand (14:13-21). What do these banquets show us about Jesus?
7. Read Matthew 16:1-20. After Jesus heals the sick and feeds the four thousand, the religious leaders ask him for a sign from heaven (v. 1). Why do you think Jesus refuses them (vv. 2-4)?
8. In verses 5-12 the disciples misunderstand Jesus’ allusion to yeast. How is their misunderstanding related to a lack of faith?
9. In verses 5-12 the disciples couldn’t even grasp a simple figure of speech. How then does Peter have enough insight to confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (vv. 13-17)?
10. How will Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God unlock the entrance to the kingdom of heaven for others (vv. 18-20)?
11. Jesus’ question to Peter is one that everyone will have to respond to at some point. Who do you say Jesus is, and why?

Lesson 13

MATTHEW 16:21–28:20

“What’s the point?” Have you ever listened to someone giving detail after detail of some past experience? Initially you were interested in the story, but somehow the point seemed to get lost beneath all the talk.
Matthew gives us lots of details about Jesus ministry, but he has a point to make. Don’t get lost in the details. This overview of the last half of Matthew helps us to see his main point and to put the details into perspective.
In the first half of Matthew we were introduced to Jesus and his kingdom. We read about his compassionate teaching and healing. In the last half we will see that Jesus’ work went far beyond teaching and healing. At great cost to himself he confronts the powers of darkness and becomes a mighty victor and deliverer.

1. Occasionally we meet someone who inspires us. Recall someone whom you have admired and describe something about them you found inspiring.
2. Briefly look over 16:21–17:27. How is the suffering and glory of Jesus’ mission displayed in this section?
3. Chapters 18–20 are similar in many ways to the Sermon on the Mount. Read through them quickly, looking for ways the disciples can become great in the kingdom.
4. Describe the ways that Jesus demonstrates his kingly authority as he occupies the temple and the capital city of Israel in chapters 21 and 22.
5. Jesus continues to display kingly authority in chapter 23. What can you discover about the reasons Jesus judges the religious leaders?
6. Jesus wants his disciples to anticipate the future and final coming of his kingdom. How does he create a sense of expectation in chapters 24 and 25?
7. The final events of Jesus’ earthly life come to a climax in chapters 26 and 27. As you look over those events, what impressions do you have?
8. Ultimate victory! In chapter 28 Jesus triumphs over suffering, conflict and death. Put yourself in the disciples place. What might you be feeling?
9. Reflecting on what you have just seen in the last half of Matthew, what have you learned about the Lord Jesus? About discipleship?

Lesson 14

MATTHEW 16:21–17:27

One of the rules of good management is “No surprises.” While surprises can be fun, they can also be upsetting. Good corporate leadership seeks to eliminate surprises so that everything runs according to plan.
Now that the disciples have been with Jesus for a while he must prepare them for the true nature of his kingdom. They are shocked at the cost of his mission and his requirements for discipleship.

1. Recall an unpleasant surprise you received. How did you handle it?
2. Read Matthew 16:21–17:13. What were some of the surprises the disciples received?
3. Jesus’ statements do not fit the Jewish expectation of a conquering Messiah (vv. 21-22). In what specific ways are they different?
4. Peter and Jesus seem to be at cross purposes in verses 22-23. Why do you think Jesus addresses Peter as Satan?
5. What does Jesus reveal about the cost and rewards of following him (vv. 24-28)?
6. How might the transfiguration be a fulfillment of Jesus’ puzzling statement in 16:28?
7. What would the disciples learn about Jesus by his transformed appearance, his conversation with Moses and Elijah, and the voice from heaven (17:1-8)? How might this help resolve their confusion about Jesus’ impending death?
8. Having just seen Elijah on the mountain, the disciples are puzzled about his future ministry (v. 10). In what sense was Elijah’s ministry fulfilled by John the Baptist (vv. 11-13)?
9. How has following Jesus produced times of confusion for you?
10. Read 17:14-27. Describe your impression of Jesus as he confronts the powerless disciples.
11. As a result of their powerlessness, what do the disciples learn about faith?
12. We don’t always understand life from a heavenly perspective. How can this passage reorient our thinking?


Lesson 15

MATTHEW 18:1-35

Who is greatest in the kingdom of God? How can a subject of the kingdom earn true wealth? These questions dominate the thoughts of the disciples as they approach Jerusalem. They are also important questions for us. How we answer them will directly affect the quality of our discipleship.

1. In what ways are people of status and social standing treated differently from others?
2. Read Matthew 18. The disciples want to know who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven (v. 1). How does Jesus’ appeal to little children answer their question (vv. 2-5)?
3. Children have little status in the eyes of adults. How can we assume the status of children in our circle of friends and coworkers?
4. Spiritually speaking, the “little ones” are those who humble themselves (“become like little children”) and believe in Jesus. What is Jesus’ attitude toward those who cause the little ones to sin (vv. 6-7)?
5. How does Jesus graphically illustrate the importance of dealing with sin in our own lives (vv. 8-9)?
6. How do verses 10-14 further emphasize the value Jesus places on his “little ones”?
7. How should the value Jesus places on his “little ones” affect the way we view ourselves and other believers?
8. Greatness in the kingdom is also dependent on living a life of forgiveness and mercy. What guidelines does Jesus give for dealing with those who sin against us (vv. 15-20)? Why is each step in this procedure important?
9. Forgiving someone once does not always guarantee he or she will not offend us again. How can the parable of the unmerciful servant help us to keep on forgiving (vv. 21-35)?
10. How does this chapter challenge the world’s concept of greatness? How does it challenge your own ideas of value and greatness?


Lesson 16

MATTHEW 19:1–20:34

What is really important to you? What makes you feel important? Money? Success? Recognition? These are common answers. The values that Jesus teaches, however, have little to do with such things. In the previous study we learned that to be great in the kingdom we must become “small.” In this study we will see how the values of the kingdom conflict with the world’s approach to wealth and leadership.
1. What does it mean to be successful in our culture?
2. Read Matthew 19. How do Jesus’ teachings on divorce and remarriage contrast with the values and practices of our culture (vv. 1-12)?
3. Children are brought to Jesus in verses 13-15. The disciples’ response demonstrates they have not yet learned the meaning of greatness. Why do you think this is so hard to grasp?
4. In verses 16-22 a young man struggles between choosing wealth or eternal life. Why do you think Jesus required him to choose?
5. Wealth was considered a sign of God’s favor and a reward for righteous living. How does Jesus challenge this concept (vv. 23-26)?
6. What wealth does Jesus offer those who follow him (vv. 27-30)? How have you experienced what Jesus describes in verse 29?
7. Read Matthew 20. What does the parable of the workers teach us about greatness and wealth in the kingdom of God (vv. 1-16)?
8. In light of Jesus’ statement about his impending death (vv. 17-19), how does the mother’s request seem inappropriate (vv. 20-24)?
9. In what ways is Jesus a model of the values he teaches in verses 25-28?
10. How might conflict among Christians be reduced if we followed Jesus’ teaching and example?
11. How does Jesus’ interaction with the two blind men illustrate the values he has just taught?
12. In what ways has Jesus’ teaching on greatness and wealth (Mt 18–20) challenged you?

Lesson 17

MATTHEW 21:1-27

It is fashionable to believe in Jesus. Surveys reveal that millions profess to be Christians. Celebrities claim miraculous, overnight conversions. Politicians boast they are “born again.” Religion has become big business.
In Matthew 21 Jesus’ popularity reaches its zenith. In the midst of public acclamation he occupies Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish nation. His clash with the religious leaders reveals the difference between genuine faith and empty profession.

1. What is your response to reports that Jesus’ popularity is increasing in our culture?
2. Read Matthew 21:1-27. Excitement is building and emotions are intense. What words or phrases communicate something of the electrifying atmosphere?
3. How do you think the disciples felt as they witnessed the excitement of the crowd and saw Jesus riding on a donkey, fulfilling a prophecy about the Messiah?
4. What different perceptions does the crowd have of Jesus (vv. 9-11)?
5. What is your impression of Jesus in verses 1-11?
6. Jesus clears the temple in verses 12-17. How does the condition of the temple contrast with what God intended?
7. A fig tree with leaves usually had fruit. How does Jesus’ cursing of the fig tree relate to his clearing the temple (vv. 18-22)?
8. Why do you think Jesus answers the religious leaders with a question (vv. 23-27)?
9. How does Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees illustrate the danger of not responding to the light God gives us?
10. Identify one area in which your actions need to be more consistent with your beliefs.
11. What impresses you most about Jesus’ leadership style in this passage?

Lesson 18

MATTHEW 21:28–22:46

Confrontation is never easy. Yet there are times when the situation demands it. The religious leaders refused to acknowledge that Jesus was God’s Messiah sent to rule. Skillfully, Jesus seeks to expose their hardness of heart and bring them to repentance. They respond, not in repentance, but by plotting a trap for him.

1. From time to time we all have been involved in confrontations. How do you feel in these situations?
2. Questions and parables seem to be a focus of Matthew 21:28–22:46. Skim the whole passage. What motives seem to be behind the questions and the parables?
3. Read Matthew 21:28–22:14. What does the parable of the two sons reveal about the chief priests and the elders (vv. 28-32)?
4. How can we avoid the errors of the two sons—especially the second?
5. How does the parable of the tenants illustrate the character of the Father, the Son and the religious leaders (vv. 33-46)?
6. How is the kingdom of heaven like the banquet described in 22:1-14?
7. Read Matthew 22:15-46. Paying taxes to Caesar was an explosive issue—the Herodians approved of it, but the Pharisees opposed it. How might Jesus’ ministry have been discredited by choosing one side or the other (vv. 15-22)?
8. What guidance does Jesus give us for fulfilling our obligations to God and the government?
9. In verses 23-28 the Sadducees tell Jesus a story designed to refute the resurrection. How does the story illustrate their ignorance of Scripture and God’s power (vv. 29-33)?
10. Love was the foundation of the Old Testament law (vv. 34-40). Why do you think we have so much trouble equating God’s laws with love?
11. Jesus poses a dilemma to the Pharisees that silences them: “How can the Christ be both the son of David and his Lord?” (vv. 41-45). What does this paradox reveal about the Lord?
12. How can these accounts of Jesus in conflict strengthen our faith in him?

Lesson 19

MATTHEW 23:1-39

Influence is a powerful force. Those who influence others are able to change minds and to direct actions.
The religious leaders in Israel possessed the power of influence. After they decided to oppose Jesus, they tried to lead others to do the same. In Matthew 23 Jesus condemns them point blank. They should have been the first to enter the kingdom of God because of their knowledge of Scripture and their standing in the Jewish community. Because they refused, Jesus calls them to judgment. This passage exposes the guilt of those who do not practice what they preach.

1. Give examples of leaders who have used their influence for good or bad.
2. Read Matthew 23. What words would you use to describe the teachers of the law and the Pharisees?
3. What attitude does Jesus teach the people to have towards the religious leaders, and why (vv. 1-4)?
4. Compare the motives of the religious leaders (vv. 5-7) with the motives and attitudes Jesus requires of his followers (vv. 8-12).
5. As followers of Jesus, how can we avoid these pitfalls of the religious leaders?
6. Jesus pronounces seven woes (judgments) against the teachers of the law and the Pharisees (vv. 13-32). Summarize each one.
7. Why do you think it was necessary to condemn the religious leaders before the whole community?
8. Jesus condemns the religious leaders for confusing inward and outward righteousness (vv. 25-28). In what ways are we inclined to do that today?
9. The entire generation to whom Jesus is speaking is held accountable for the righteous blood shed in all previous generations” (vv. 33-36). Why do you think they received such a terrible sentence?
10. What responses do you have as you observe Jesus as a judge?
11. In the midst of this overwhelming condemnation, how is the tender compassion of Jesus also evident (vv. 33-39)?
12. What warnings and hope does this chapter offer us?

Lesson 20

MATTHEW 24:1-51

We all want to be safe and secure. Yet many things can threaten our security—losing our job, our income, our health, our loved ones. Our ability to handle these threats will depend on the source of our security.
Matthew 24 focuses on the destruction of Jerusalem and the return of Christ. The true issue of Christ’s return is not the “hows” or “whens” that fascinate us. Rather we must learn to live in the present in light of the future. We must learn the true source of our security.

1. What gives you a sense of security?
2. Read Matthew 24:1-51. Both the temple’s size and symbolism gave the Israelites a sense of security. When Jesus tells the disciples the temple will be destroyed (vv. 1-2), how do you think they feel?
3. Following Jesus’ statement about the temple’s destruction, the disciples ask two questions (vv.1-3). Look through chapter 24, briefly noting ways that Jesus answers these questions.
4. Throughout history people have set dates for Christ’s return and have been mistaken. What events might deceive the disciples into thinking the end is at hand (vv. 4-8)?
5. Before the end comes, what dangers will believers face, and how are we to handle them (vv. 9-14)?
6. In 167 B.C. Antiochus Epiphanies attacked Jerusalem and set up a pagan altar in the temple—an event which anticipates “the abomination that causes desolation” spoken of by Jesus (v. 15). What occurs in the aftermath of this abomination (vv. 15-22)?
7. In A.D. 70 the Roman general Titus captured Jerusalem and destroyed the temple. Do you think verses 15-22 refer to this event or to events immediately preceding the return of Christ—or both? Explain.
8. Few of us have ever faced deadly peril for our faith. What types of pressure do you face for your faith in Christ?
9. How will we be able to distinguish false Christs from the true (vv. 23-31)?
10. The time of Christ’s coming is discussed in verses 32-41. What can be known about the timing? What can’t be known?
11. How do the parables of the thief and the wise and wicked servants (vv. 42-51) emphasize the importance of living in light of Christ’s return?
12. In what ways do you have need of greater watchfulness and perseverance?

Lesson 21

MATTHEW 25:1-46

Accountability can be uncomfortable and inconvenient. Our desires and preferences are subject to the demands of another. Most of us would prefer to do things our own way. A rule of thumb in management is that people don’t do what you expect; they do what you inspect.
Jesus is coming back to inspect our lives. He holds us accountable for how we conduct ourselves in his absence. In Matthew 25 he urges us to prepare for his coming.

1. Have you ever been in a situation where your work did not meet up to standards when it was reviewed or inspected? How did it affect you?
2. Read Matthew 25. How does the parable of the ten virgins illustrate the need to prepare for the groom’s delayed return (vv. 1-13)?
3. How can we prepare ourselves for Jesus return?
4. A talent was a vast sum of money. In the parable of the talents, what were the masters expectations of his servants (vv. 14-30)?
5. How does the master demonstrate his approval or disapproval?
6. What resources and responsibilities has Jesus given you? How can you handle them in a good and faithful manner?
7. In the parable of the sheep and the goats, identify the King, the sheep, the goats and the “brothers” of the King (vv. 31-46).
8. What criteria does the King use to separate the sheep from the goats?
9. As you reflect on the parables in this chapter, what similarities and differences can you find between the main characters?
10. According to Jesus’ teaching in this chapter, what should we be doing until he returns?
11. How should the material in this chapter affect your current priorities?

Lesson 22

MATTHEW 26:1-75

Father Isaac Jogues, the first Catholic priest who ever came to Manhattan Island, was met by the Iroquois  near Lake George, they stripped him naked, slashed him with their knives, beat him and then led him to the village. On 18 October, 1646, when entering a cabin he was struck with a tomahawk and afterwards decapitated. The head was fixed on the Palisades and the body thrown into the Mohawk River.
Suffering and temptation reveal the quality of our discipleship. No where is this more evident than in Matthew 26 as we move into the climax of the book. Both Jesus and his disciples face a time of severe testing. The way they respond to these tests can be an encouragement and a warning to us.

1. Have you ever been tempted to stop following Christ? Explain.
2. Read Matthew 26:1-35. How do verses 1-16 set the stage for Jesus’ betrayal and death?
3. In verses 17-30 Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples. How is this occasion both ominous and hopeful?
4. Why do you think Jesus tells his disciples that one of them will betray him, Peter will disown him, and the others will fall away (vv. 21-25, 31-35)?
5. When have you been confronted with the weakness of your commitment to the Lord?
6. Read Matthew 26:36-75. What insights can we discover about Jesus during his time in Gethsemane (vv. 36-45)?
7. Jesus exhorts the disciples to “watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation” (v. 41). What temptations were they about to face?
8. Jesus’ betrayal comes at the hand of one of his own disciples (vv. 47-50). As you look over the role of Judas in this chapter, why do you think the religious leaders used him?
9. Twice during his arrest Jesus states that the Scriptures are being fulfilled (vv. 54, 56). What significance would this have for those who heard him: the disciples, the crowd and the religious leaders?
10. Why do you think Jesus remained silent during the first part of his trial (vv. 57-63)?
11. In answer to the high priest’s question (v. 63), Jesus declares that he is the Christ (alluding to Ps 110:1 and Dan 7:14). Describe the immediate—and ultimate—impact of Jesus’ words on those present (vv. 65-68)?
12. Peter’s attempt to be courageous turns to cowardice (vv. 69-75). What role do fear and faith occupy in his denial of the Lord?
13. Both Jesus and the disciples faced temptation in this chapter. How can Jesus’ example and the disciples’ failures help us to withstand temptation and testing?


Lesson 23

MATTHEW 27:1-66

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, and am not silent.” (Ps 22:1-2)
Do you ever feel that God is absent when you need him most? You pray but receive no answer. You cry but no one seems to care.
Matthew 27 records the judgment and execution of Jesus. As Pilate and the religious leaders condemn, mock and crucify God’s Son, God himself seems strangely absent. Yet to those who have eyes to see, his presence and power are unmistakable.

1. Recall a time when you felt as though God were absent when you needed him. How did you handle it?
2. Read Matthew 27:1-31. After the religious leaders hand Jesus over to Pilate, Judas feels remorse (vv. 1-5). How is remorse different from repentance?
3. Jesus stands before Pilate in verses 11-26. How and why does Pilate seek to avoid sentencing Jesus?
4. Social pressure affected Pilate’s ultimate response to Jesus. In what ways has social pressure affected your relationship to Jesus?
5. The soldiers viciously mock Jesus in verses 27-31. What does their mockery reveal about their knowledge of Jesus?
6. Read Matthew 27:32-66. As Jesus hangs on the cross, he is repeatedly mocked and insulted (vv. 32-44). How do these insults reveal the spiritual choices these people have made?
7. As death begins to engulf him, Jesus cries out to God (vv. 45-46). What does his cry, and the overshadowing darkness, reveal about his relationship to the Father during this torment?
8. As the centurion witnesses the strange events surrounding Jesus’ death, he exclaims, “Surely he was the Son of God!” (v. 54). What clues do the unusual events in verses 45-56 provide for understanding this chapter?
9. Observe the role Jesus’ followers play during the events of his crucifixion and burial (vv. 55-61). How do you think they felt?
10. Notice the final measures the chief priests and Pharisees take to insure that their victory over Jesus is complete (vv. 62-66). What do you think they were feeling?
11. This chapter is filled with irony. Satan’s triumph is actually his defeat. Christ’s “defeat” is actually his triumph. How should this challenge our views about the way God works in our lives?

Lesson 24

MATTHEW 28:1-20

Victory requires proclamation! Once a battle has been won, it’s time to spread the word. Matthew 28 focuses on the messengers of Jesus’ resurrection—the angel tells the women, the women tell the disciples, the disciples tell the nations, even the guards tell the religious leaders.
As Matthew concludes his Gospel, we are invited to join with those who throughout history have been witnesses and messengers of Jesus, the victorious resurrected Lord.

1. Who first brought you the message of Jesus and the challenge of discipleship?
2. Read Matthew 28, observing the people who are involved. How does each respond to the appearances of Jesus?
3. The angel is the first messenger of the resurrection (vv. 2-7). What is the significance of his appearance and words?
4. Consider the mission of the women (vv. 1-9 ). How does it undergo a radical change?
5. The Roman guard and the Jewish leaders are confronted with a miracle. How do they respond and why?
6. What keeps people today from believing that Jesus is the resurrected Lord?
7. The resurrection of Jesus affected everyone associated with it. How has the resurrection affected your life?
8. Consider the false story of the religious leaders and guards (vv. 11-15). Why doesn’t it make sense to say that the disciples stole Jesus’ body?
9. How would the false stories circulated by the guards hinder the disciples as they began their ministry?
10. The disciples go to Galilee where they meet with Jesus. Describe the commission he gives to them and us (vv. 16-20). How would this commission sound to the Jewish disciples?
11. How does Jesus equip them and future disciples to carry out his commission?
12. As you conclude this study of Matthew, how can you be more involved in making disciples and fulfilling the Great Commission?
13. Pray that God will help you to be faithful to this task.