Claudette died on the 7th October 2010.

This page is being kept as a tribute to her

We come to this table today, O Lord, humble and thankful and glad.
We thank Thee first for the great miracle of life, for the exaltation of being human, for the capacity of love.
We thank Thee for joys both great and simple --
For wonder, dreams and hope;
For the newness of each day;
For laughter and song and a merry heart;
For compassion waiting within to be kindled;
For the forbearance of friends and the smile of a stranger;
For the arching of the earth and trees and heavens and the fruit of all three;
For the wisdom of the old;
For the courage of the young;
For the promise of new life;
For the strength that comes when needed;
For this family united here today whether near or far away.
Of those to whom much is given, much is required.
May we always remember this.


An Alternative prayer

Alternative prayer


Updated November 2012 by Steve