Terms of Use

My Newbie Results
Week 11-20
Week 21-30
Week 31-40
Week 41-50
My Beginner Results
Beginner 30-64
Beginner 65 - 96
60 PI Tutorials
The Cool Tool
Shape Escape
Edit for Credit
Stained Glass
Advanced Work
UFO's for YOU
Rosie Tutorial Results
OE Stats
Terms of Use
Happy Birthday

Terms of Use

All graphics and texts displayed on this web site are protected by copyright and may not be copied, altered or redistributed in any form without the written permission of the copyright holder. By entering this web site, you signify your agreement to abide by these terms of use.

The tutorials were  written to teach the user how to create an object, an effect, to learn a technique or some aspect of Photo Impact used in the tutorial.

This tutorial and all graphics used to create this tutorial are the sole property of Claudette Holden (except where noted) and are covered by the terms specified in my copyright information. The tester's graphics are copyright to the artist who made them.

All graphics and or effects you create based on this tutorial belong to you providing they are not an EXACT copy of mine. You may use them as you wish for both personal and commercial projects. Credit is not required. A link back to my site is not required but is appreciated if you should choose to do so.


Thank you,

Claudette Holden

Home | My Newbie Results | Week 11-20 | Week 21-30 | Week 31-40 | Week 41-50 | My Beginner Results | Beginner 30-64 | Beginner 65 - 96 | 60 PI Tutorials | The Cool Tool | Animations | International | Shape Escape | Edit for Credit | Tutorials | Stained Glass | Holidays | Advanced Work | UFO's for YOU | Rosie Tutorial Results | OE Stats | Contact | Terms of Use | Security | Happy Birthday

 ©2005-7 Claudette H. all rights reserved
